Modafresh 200

$ 105.00$ 495.00

Active Ingredient Modafinil
Manufacturers Sunrise Remedies Pvt Ltd
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength 200mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: N/A Category:



Modafresh 200 is a generic brand of Modafinil which enables wakefulness in the patient and prevents them from having sleepy and drowsy issues to crop in during the day time. This medicine is a generic brand of Modafinil that allows you to remain awake and fully alert during the daytime hours.

In case you don’t know, the generic substance of the medicine which is Modafinil allows you to prevent issues of a specific Sleep Disorder known as narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is a specific sleep disorder that will make you feel drowsy and sleepy during the daytime hours.

For such a patient, it is highly recommended to use a medicine such as this pill which instills freshness and rejuvenation inside the patient to work to their fullest potentially avoiding any, Fatigue, tiredness, and sleepiness.

Remember that before you begin taking any dose of Modafresh, it is highly necessary to get in touch with a doctor to help diagnose your disorder properly. Doctors will discuss the symptoms of narcolepsy that you have been facing for the last few days based on which they will ask you to have the Modafresh 200 pills for a few days.


Buy Modafresh 200 online needs a prescription. Modafinil which is the generic element of the pills is only a doctor-approved generic substance. you need confirmation from the doctors to take a medicine such as this one.

One thing is sure the Modafresh 200 pills are widely available on the online channels. For the online sources, you may check out any online generic pharmacy an online wholesaler, or a distributor. Even you may purchase the pills offline from a local medicine shop or a local distributor.


Modafresh 200 mg pills are composed of only a single substance, Modafinil. This is a form of brain-stimulating substance which begins its mode of action by increasing the neural communications in your Brain which makes you feel alert and activated. As we shall see below. This happens largely due to some specific hormonal changes.

Modafinil is entirely safe to use since it is prescribed by the FDA and even while buying the pills you will need to consult with the doctors initially.


Sunrise Remedies is a pharmaceutical company that currently manufactures medicines exclusively in India. The company is also responsible for its branding and promotion.


For prescription purposes use this pill, it is only safe to use such medicines when dealing with narcolepsy. Even if you have other Sleep Disorders such as insomnia or Sleep Apnea the medicines will have no effects on such disorders.

Use the pills only as the doctors have guided you to. Never administer more than one medicine for a daily purpose use. Also, remember that the usability of this medicine is only for the temporary curing of your Sleep Issues. the medicines may not have any effects on the permanent healing of narcolepsy.


Modafresh 200 begins its mode of work after a few minutes that you take it. Initially, it activates the working of its generic substance which is Modafinil. This generic Modafinil will begin increasing the levels of serotonin and noradrenaline hormones in your brain.

As a result of this, the brain begins to feel activated, sharper, energized and rejuvenated. The brain cells also begin normal functioning which makes you feel active during the morning hours.


For taking in the pills strictly use the swallowing process only. Do not try to be adventurous and experiment with taking the pills in any other way such as by chewing or dissolving the medicines.


Modafresh 200 contains a dose of 200mg of Modafinil generic in it. Remember that this is the highest allowable dose of the generic substance which is only suitable for patients who are having an extreme form of narcolepsy disorder.

Other Dosages:


This tablet usually contraindicates the most with other brain-stimulating medicines such as Adderall. Usually, you also need to avoid taking pills that help cure other psychological disorders such as anxiety, severe stress, or depression.

Maybe it is due to such medicines contraindicating or even an overdose that may get you to realize some of the side effects of the pill such as Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, palpitations, nervousness, numbness, sleep difficulties at night, and so on.


Beware of the use of Modafresh 200 pills with any of the contradicting medicines mentioned above and also other substances like alcohol or narcotic drugs.


Since the generic component of this medicine contains a brain-stimulating substance it is better to avoid taking any other mood influencing or stimulating medicines such as Adderall.

Also, using other medicines for curing sleep issues like insomnia will provide direct contraindications since Modafresh 200 pills work exactly opposite those. If you are already suffering from issues such as anxiety and depression it is important to be in touch with the doctors.


For storing the Modafresh 200 Mg patients need to ideally look for certain features of the storage place. First, of all let’s be clear that this medicine does not require you to put them in a fridge. It is normally storable in room temperature conditions. But you cannot choose a place for its storage that is highly humid or too hot beyond the tolerable 30 degrees Celsius.

Remember that storage in specific areas in your house for this reason alone is not recommended. You need to void storing the pills in your kitchen or the bathroom in your house since these areas often have the maximum heat and humidity.

Also, storage of the medicines is best done at a concealed place in your house so that you can ensure it is not accessible to your children.