Fildena 120mg

$ 76.35$ 224.80

Active Ingredient Sildenafil Citrate
Manufacturer Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 Tablets/Capsules in a Strip
Strength 120mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: N/A Categories: ,



Fildena 120 mg is a type of medicine that may help you overcome your troubles in terms of achieving a strong and hard erection. It is with the use of the Fildena 120 strong that you can overcome your sexual issues and achieve a strong and hard erection.

It is the actions of Sildenafil that allow you to achieve a desirous strong and hard erection. Sildenafil brings about these major changes by ensuring some hormonal changes in your penis which we shall discuss in the upcoming sections.

Fildena 120 for intake is allowed only to be taken orally. Remember that if you do not allow yourself to follow some of the basic precaution guidelines you may have to face the adverse side effects of the medicine.

Fildena Strong 120 mg is a medicine that allows to bring in the effects of vasodilation and this occurs through the activation of nitric oxide. It is due to the high force of blood flowing through the arteries surrounding the penis tissues and arteries that allows you to achieve a strong and hard erection.

But Fildena 120 may also be risky to be taken in with an overdose. Allow yourself to take in that much of Sildenafil which your body can easily suit with. Or else if the amount of Sildenafil fildena gets too high you may end up having some of the side effects of the pill.

Talking about side effects some of them can only be mild ones such as giving you a mild headache or dizziness while others can be far more severe too such as chest pain and vision blurriness.

There is an age-limiting criteria for you to administer the pills. See the doctors will allow taking you the medicines only if you are an adult. Plus, the maximum age that you can be is 64 years.

Remember that along with these specific age criteria, your existing health issues also need to be informed to the doctors. They may be reluctant to recommend the dose to you if you have a severe heart disorder or a liver and kidney problem.


Fildena is a brand of generic variant with the medicinal substance Sildenafil in it. Buying it will require you to get hold of a prescription from the doctor first. So we recommend that in case you have been seeing the issues of Erectile Dysfunction lately which does not let you achieve an erection despite all your tries, head out to the doctor now.

An early diagnosis will ensure an early cure too. As for buying the medicines, you may choose to buy the medicines both from the online portals or the offline sales channels.

In the online mode, you can come across several online pharmacies that are selling the medicine. And on the offline mode due to the huge popularity of Fildena branded medicines, you can easily source it from your local medicine shops due to its wide reach.


The composition of Fildena 120 Strong has present in it only a single substance. The element which is present in the pills is known by the name of generic Sildenafil. Sildenafil Citrate is a compound that is used in the manufacturing of medicines.

This generic substance causes the PDE-5 hormones to inhibit after getting activated and hence its originating family of medicines is also known as PDE-5 hormone inhibitors.

A Fildena dose of 120mg is a medium strong which is to be administered only if the smaller variants of the brand have not been able to provide suitable erectile hardness.

Remember that your dose should be limited to only a single medicine.


The company that manufactures the Fildena 120mg pills is known as Fortune Healthcare. It is based out of Gujarat in India where it has its manufacturing facilities. Fortune also has other generic ED-branded medicines as well.


Generic Fildena 120mg comes as a prescription medicine only in terms of curing Erectile Dysfunction. Remember that for other male sexual issues, you may need to try out using other medicinal brand names. Fildena Strong 120 mg does not cure ED permanently. You need to get rid of such misconceptions before you begin a daily course of the pills.

Fildena 120 mg provides only a purpose to make you hard for a few hours until the actions of generic Sildenafil are active and working. This is why you need to take the pill each time on the days you wish to get intimate with your partner.


Usually, it is Sildenafil to gets activated first, which begins the process of PDE-5 hormone inhibition. Soon after this process a process called vasodilation ensues in the penis arteries and blood vessels and this brings in more blood to fill in the penis tissues, also giving higher sensitivity.

It is due to this that you can achieve an erection due to higher sensitivity around the penis region.


Usually, the intake method for the medicines is done orally by swallowing an entire medicine whole. Remember that during this process water can help you to easily swallow the medicine while it is not recommended that you chew or crush the medicines before their intake.


Fildena 120mg is a slightly high dose. Generally, it is the Fildena 100 mg dose of the medicine that is taken as the standard. So anyone who is having this 120mg dose needs to have at least a moderately severe form of ED issue which should suit with the actions of the medicine. other higher doses are Fildena 150.

As we have told you earlier as well, you always need to limit your intake of the medicine to once per day only.

While an excess amount of Sildenafil may prone you to the side effects missing out on your pills can also cause you not to achieve an erection at all.


Usually, it is possible that some of your existing medicines could bring out chances of contraindication with the use of Generic Fildena 120mg in USA medicines.

It is particularly those medicines that contain nitrates that cure any heart disorder or high blood pressure issues that have to be avoided. Other medicines to be careful about include those that act as alpha and beta blockers.

Such medicinal contraindications and overdose could bring out side effects which include:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • stomach cramps,
  • chest pain,
  • drop in blood pressure,
  • priapism,
  • lower libido,


  1. Before you are given the final recommendation on using the Fildena 120mg pills doctors will issue you with certain warning issues.
  2. Remember that it is the age criteria of males between 18 and 64 years only those who are suitable to use the medicines.
  3. Always inform the doctors if you have had a previous allergic issue post using the medicines.
  4. Inform the doctor about your current other health issues apart from ED. Be specific about having high blood pressure, and other cardiac disorders. You also need to inform the doctor if you have recently undergone cardiac surgery.
  5. Never is the Fildena 120mg medicine recommendable for a female. It may bring out uncontrollable side effects.


  1. Of course, it is important for anyone about to begin a course of Fildena 120mg to know about some of the safety and precautionary information.
  2. You will have to avoid any misuse such as suddenly taking an excess dose of the medicine.
  3. Be cautious of the timing of intake as well. Remember not to have your medicine until it is about one hour before sex to get the most benefits.
  4. Avoid taking in any of the contraindication substances which includes both medicine and other substances such as the use of alcohol and narcotic drugs.
  5. Since headache, dizziness, and nausea are some of the side effects of the medicine it is not safe for you to administer the drug either while driving.


Storage is a major concern for the patients and should be one of the prime responsibilities. Now that you have bought your medicine you may be using this medicine every day continuously for about a few weeks or months.

Hence it is important to store at an easily accessible area. But having said that you cannot choose a place which is too hot and humid either as such conditions do not suit well for storing the medicines.

Remember that the area for storage does not need to have much sun exposure throughout the day and along with this it should not have too much heat more than 30 degrees Celsius and too much humidity.

On the other hand, the customers will have to make it inaccessible to children by storing it locked somewhere.