Fildena 50mg

$ 62.71$ 177.81

Active Ingredient Sildenafil Citrate
Manufacturer Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 Tablets/Capsules in a Strip
Strength 50mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: N/A Categories: ,



Fildena 50 mg is a medicine that may help males achieve a strong and hard position. With the ability of its generic element which is Sildenafil, it becomes possible again for your penis to erect.

Fildena sildenafil medicines may become useful for those patients who are facing issues with getting a strong and hard erection. But if you want to overcome your sexual miseries and achieve all your sexual fantasies all you got to do is take a medicine of Fildena 50.

Sildenafil Citrate is the generic element that is present inside the medicines of Fildena 50 mg. There are no other compositional substances present in the pills which means that the entire dose of 50mg represents Sildenafil only.

If you have to administer the medicine you need to adhere to following some precautionary measures. Remember that there are some things that you need to follow throughout your course and this will be set out by the doctors.

Depending on your age, and health and of course other physical disabilities doctors will check the dose of Sildenafil which you can easily sustain without having to deal with any side effects.

Remember that if you overdose on the generic substance Sildenafil you may end up having some issues or adverse effects. Now some of these may only be mild ones such as getting a slight headache or dizziness while others can be a bit severe too.

At times depending on your health doctors may even prohibit you from taking in the medicines. This is specifically true for those who are suffering from any sort of severe physical issues relating to their heart, liver, or kidneys.

While administering the Fildena 50 purple you need to know that there is a specific age criteria for taking the pills as well. That is you have to be between the ages of 18 to 64 years to be able to take the medicine and suit with its effects.


Fildena 50 is a medicine that is among the most popular ED generic medicines. It is thus easily available across the country in India where it is manufactured. But it is also globally exported to many countries of the world where it is seeing a growing demand as an alternative to the FDA-approved generic Viagra medicines.

If you want to Buy Fildena 50 mg you can easily do so using both the online and the offline sales channel. The online sales channel includes buying the medicines from any online website or portal. Or else you may head out to the nearest large pharmaceutical store to buy the pills upon showing your prescription as well.


The composition of Fildena 50 mg pills has only a single substance which is present in the medicines. This component is generic Sildenafil. The approved version of Sildenafil which has got the nod from the FDA so far is Generic Viagra.

But there are several other generic variants of Sildenafil among which one of the most popular ones is Fildena. Sildenafil is a type of medicinal element that originates from the group of PDE-5 hormone-inhibiting medicines.

Its task is to bring about a rise in the blood flow through the penis tissues and arteries so that it becomes possible for an impotent male to get back strong and hard erections again.


Fortune Healthcare is the name of the company that beholds the brand name of Fildena. All of the doses that come under the Fildena brand are manufactured by this company which is based out of Gujarat and has its manufacturing hubs present there.

It is not that Fortune Healthcare has only one ED-curing generic medicine. There are several others as well which come under the generic drug category as well.


Your prescription use on the Fildena 50 mg is going to come from the recommendation of the doctors only for curing one particular form of sexual issue in males which is ED. Remember that no other forms of male sexual issues are curable using the medicines.

While using the pills, the sole objective of putting the pills to work is to get a temporary remedy for erectile lagging as the medicines are only capable of producing short-term temporary effects without being able to cure the disorder permanently.

As we have already recommended above the right thing for you to do is to ensure taking the pills only when the doctors confirm you about ED issues. Do not abruptly begin the course without consulting the doctor simply based on symptoms of erectile hardness issues.


Once the actions of Sildenafil set in, it brings in the actions of PDE-5 hormonal inhibitory actions. With this, it soon begins the cGMP hormonal secretion and this can allow nitric oxide to vasodilate the arteries in the penis to increase the flow of blood through them.

It is this vasodilation effect that sensitizes the medicines and enables you to get a strong and hard erection.


Usually, the right method to administer the Fildena 50 mg tablet is by simply putting the medicines following it up with water and swallowing it down without chewing or crushing it.


A dose of Fildena 50 mg taken corresponds to administering a 50 mg equivalent of generic Sildenafil in your blood. Talking about the strength of the dose this is a mild dose only which is capable of producing mild effects only.

When you come to the doctors it is likely that based on the conversation doctors will recommend you initially administer a small dose such as 50 mg only

You may administer other higher doses too but you will have to be cautious of the amount of Sildenafil you are using per day. Never allow yourself to be taking in more than one medicine within 24 hours.

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Usually, it is the drug interactions that you have to be careful about. One thing that you can do here is to carry all your existing prescriptions to the doctor and allow them to go through them to find out about any of your existing medicines having contraindicating chances with that of Sildenafil 50 mg.

The list of side effects includes issues such as:

  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea,
  • stomach cramps,
  • chest pain,
  • drop in blood pressure,
  • lower libido,
  • priapism

You will have to let the doctors know about such side effects as and when they occur.


Your doctor will issue certain warnings when you are about to use the Fildena 50 purple. one is that the age criteria should match that of the medicine as you must be aged between 18 to 64 years to administer this medicine safely.

The recommendation of using Fildena 50mg pills is only given to patients who are suffering from ED issues. Never allow yourself to administer the medicine if you are having erections naturally.

The recommendation to use the Fildena 50 mg drugs is only given to males and not females.


A few things need to be kept in mind at the time of administering Fildena 50 as a regular course. The objective is the minimize any excess dosage intake and this is only possible when you administer the medicines at the right dose and time.

So do not miss out on a fixed time for taking your daily medicines and never exceed the tolerable dose without letting the doctors know about it.

Other than this you will have to give away your addictive habits to alcohol and all other forms of narcotic drugs for the time being. Remember that any such agent taken in will work to create the actions of adverse effects.

Never administer the contraindicating medicines till the time you are on a regular course of Fildena 50. Check out the earlier section on medicinal contraindications if you want to know about this list.


Once your process to buy the Fildena 50 mg pills is complete it is now time for you to store the medicines at an apt place in your house.

Remember that storage is important keeping in mind a couple of factors such as ensuring the right temperature and humidity conditions as well as avoiding children to get easy reach to the pills.

The optimum environment that suits the Fildena 50mg pills the most is the temperature between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius with only a mild humidity condition.

Other than this a few other things to ensure is to find a dark place where minimum sunlight would come in throughout the day to ensure a proper hygienic environment for storing the medicines. As you don’t want the medicines to fall under the grasp of your children ensure storing them in a high place somewhere and keep them locked.