Prosoma 500mg

$ 165.00$ 375.00

Active Ingredient Carisoprodol
Manufacturers Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 tablets in 1 strip
Strength 500mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: N/A Category:



Prosoma 500 mg is a medicine that can enable you to cure your muscle pain. be it any form of muscle pain such as muscle and tendon aches, sprain, or strain the Prosoma 500 mg pills is the ideal remedial pill that helps you to cure the intense pain and find some peace.

Prosoma 500 mg is a generic medicine that contains the element Carisoprodol in it which acts as the core Muscle Pain reliever. Having this substance is only prescribed by the doctor.

So in case you are suffering from any form of unbearable muscle pain refer immediately to the doctors and find out if you are suitable to use the pill.

As we shall find out the Prosoma 500 which contains 500mg of carisoprodol generic is the higher dose of this brand.  It is mostly recommended in those cases when the patient had already used the smaller dose but it did not provide sufficient effects to them.

Prosoma 500 mg also needs careful guidance from the doctors according to a specific dose and guidelines about the tenure and safety of your health. Ensure to follow these precautional measures from the doctors right from the first day of administering the pills.


Firstly we must mention that Buy Prosoma 500 mg Online will require a prescription given from the doctors. generic Carisoprodol of any brand name cannot be bought as an OTC pill if you do not have validation from the doctors in writing.

The good thing about Buy Generic Prosoma 500 mg pills is that it is available for customers both online and offline mode. So choose your preferred channel of buying the medicines and buy the pills now.

On the online sales channel, you have many reputed online generic pharmacies that are selling this brand of muscle pain-curing medicine. On the other hand, you also have the offline mode of buying the pills from the nearest medicine shop close to your house.

Even apart from this, if you want to source the medicine in even larger quantities you can approach online or offline wholesalers and distributors who can present you with even cheaper rates.


Prosoma 500 has a specific composition of generic carisoprodol substance in it. It is this generic substance that allows you to cure your Muscle Pain instantly giving you the much needed relief.

Prosoma 500 Tablets that contain Carisoprodol the substance has already been approved by the US FDA the largest drug governing and regulatory body in the world.

So it is safe for you to use any brand containing this generic substance when you have already been approved by the doctors.

Just remember that as we have told you above the substance carisoprodol itself is a prescription ingredient and needs you to buy the pills after attaining a consultation from the doctor.


Centurion Laboratories is the current manufacturer and the owner of the brand name Prosoma. The company is responsible for handling the manufacturing, retail, and wholesale distribution of the pills not just in India but around the world.


Prosoma 500 can only help reduce the intense and sharp muscle pain that you are facing. Remember that if it is a form of injury that has caused the pain you may need to get a separate form of treatment for curing the injured area.

Use of the Prosoma 500 mg pills is only a part of a temporary remedy that helps reduce and curb pain for a few hours.


Prosoma 500 Tablets will begin acting within a few minutes once you take it. it is the generic substance carisoprodol whose actions become intensely effective at first. Once this generic element is in full swing it will begin acting like a barrier to neural communication from the affected regions and the brain.

Effectively it acts to cut off the neural signal transmission from the injured and muscle pain areas to the brain and thus you do not have any more sensations of pain at all.

But remember that such actions of the medicine can stay active only for a few hours and eventually it will subside.


Ideally, the Prosoma 500 mg pills are of the swallowing type. So you need to gulp down a whole medicine only using some water.

But remember that it is never the type of medicine that is allowable for intake using other substitute forms of intake such as trying to dissolve the medicine in water or alcohol or even trying to break the pills into smaller parts. As for taking in, it is only better to take the pills once you begin feeling intense and sharp pain.


Prosoma 500 mg may not be suitable for intake alongside a few other specific medicines. these include those medicines that are used for curing sleep disorders such as Narcolepsy or insomnia.

Even many of the psychological issues such as those medicines that help relieve anxiety or depression can have contraindicating effects with generic carisoprodol. It is also to be avoided alongside medicines that can cure neural pain resulting from neuralgia or Seizure Attacks.

Some of the adverse effects that you may realize include having severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, vision blurring, dry mouth, and so on.


Prosoma 500 mg pills need you to be warned of a few things. here are a few you need to consider specifically-

Avoid the usage of this medicine with alcohol as this way it may be undermined in its effects and thus not provide an ideal pain cure.

Never use the medicine over more than a single pill for daily use purposes.

Prosoma 500 mg pills are not to be taken by those patients who have suffered from a cardiac arrest or a stroke or even have other cardiac issues recently.


Prosoma 500 mg contains an equivalent amount of generic Carisoprodol substance in it. this generic substance is what allows you to give the feeling of a proper cure for sharp and intense muscle pain with Pain O Soma 350 and Pain O Soma 500.

As for the dosage if you are having side effects using such medicine it may be safe for you to get a consultation from the doctors yet again and reduce the dosage to the smaller variant which is the Prosoma 350 mg.


Of course, using a pain-curing medication requires you to follow some safety guidelines.

Avoid using the medicine if you are having frequent side effects. if the side effect is too severe then it is better to discontinue using further pills with immediate effect. or else if the side effect is mild you may continue using the medicine but you may have to reduce the amount of your daily dose.

Beware of the medicines that may form chances of contraindication and avoid using them for the short duration for which you will be under the course of the Prosoma 500 mg pills.

Avoid using the medicines for more than 21 days since it is not safe.


Storage of the medicines is best under normal room temperature conditions where the mercury does not breach more than 30 degrees Celsius and the humidity is also considerably lower.